Friday, September 22, 2006

Voter Identification

Is it evil to require that a voter be a voter before allowing him to vote? And how do we find out if John Doe is John Doe without identification. We could do it with fingerprints or eye scans, but isn't it easier to just use a picture ID? Most folk have a driver's licence or a state ID or should.

It seems to me that voting is the cornerstone of the republic, and that the ballot is our most precious freedom. Should we give it to someone who is not a citizen, or to some pedophile that has lost his right to vote?

I wonder if those who are so dead set against it, don't have an ulterior motive. Have they hundreds of dead folk ready to cast their ballots? Have they signed up a few thousand illegal immigrants? Have they purchased with free wine or crack the votes of thousands of the unregistered?

I urge every American to vote, but only if you have the right to.


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